
Going to the Movies--A

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看電影 之一

A:Can I have two tickets for Titanic, please? B:For what time? A:The 9:30 p.m. show, please. B:I’m afraid it’s full. How about the midnight show? A:That’ll be fine. Can I have our seats up front, please? B:Sure. That’ll be twenty dollars, please. 甲:可以給我兩張「鐵達尼號」的票嗎﹖ 乙:什麼時間的﹖ 甲:麻煩晚上九點半那一場。 乙:恐怕已經客滿了,午夜場如何﹖ 甲:可以,請給我前排的座位好嗎﹖ 乙:沒問題,麻煩你總共是廿美元。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:1367)